Much like her husband actor Yasir Hussain, Iqra Aziz isn’t one to shy away from saying what she wants to say. In a recent interview with BBC Urdu, the Suno Chanda actor discussed societal expectations and stereotypes surrounding motherhood that she experienced during her pregnancy. Reflecting on the negativity she encountered, she remarked, “May be the older people have traumatised us that if you give birth to children, then you cannot do anything else.” Iqra Aziz emphasised her love for children and her family-oriented nature, expressing her excitement about becoming a mother despite the discouraging comments she received.
The conversation shifted to Aziz’s current on-air drama, Mannat Murad, where she plays the lead role. When asked about her choice of character, Aziz highlighted her trust in the production house of Asad Qureshi and Abdullah Kadwani, stating, “I had done Khuda Aur Mohabbat season 3 ‘ with them, so there was no doubt in doing their project if I liked the script.” She stressed the significance of portraying realities of family life, breaking away from the common portrayal of blaming in-laws, and focusing on the dynamics of building relationships and families in dramas.
Revealing the fun side of the set, Aziz shared an amusing anecdote about teasing her co-star Talha Chahour with tempting food choices, showcasing the camaraderie they developed on set. “I had a fondness for eating a lot, and Talha Chahour used to be on a diet. I used to tease him by asking whether we should have samosa today or chaat or fried chicken. I always used to spoil his diet,” she laughed.
Addressing the broader issue of portraying women’s lives in dramas, especially post-marriage, the host questioned whether the industry should depict that a girl’s story doesn’t end after marriage. Aziz passionately responded, “It is very important, and as we move forward with this story, you will see it.” She highlighted the period when a woman finds love, adjusts to her new life, and temporarily puts her dreams on hold, emphasising that this is not a negative aspect.
As the discussion delved deeper into her character Mannat, Aziz revealed her personal connection to the role. “I relate a lot. Maybe in actual life, I faced fewer difficulties as much as my character of Mannat is facing. Mannat is trying very hard to get her love. I relate a lot to the ambitious girl and happy soul girl part of the story. I have learned a lot from Mannat,” she shared.
The interview took a personal turn when Aziz was asked about her break from the industry after the birth of her son, Kabir. Opening up about the challenges, she admitted, “The one thing which was difficult for me was to leave Kabir after his birth. It was my first project in which I had to go out.” She discussed the emotional moment at the airport counter when the reality of leaving her child behind hit her.
Responding to rumors on social media about her taking a back seat in her career after Kabir’s birth, Aziz clarified, “I did not want to make the peak of my career an overly ambitious thing. This is my choice. I have to give some time to my life.” She expressed her desire to savor the moments with her first child, prioritising personal happiness over career milestones.
In a final reflection on her choices, Aziz concluded, “Before I met Yasir, I used to work every Sunday. I have started doing work from a very early age. But this was my choice, and now I want to relax and enjoy myself for some time. This is my first child, and I want to make this time unforgettable.”
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