
Why Should You Eat Lemons Regularly? Find Out Its Health Benefits

Zesty, juicy, and packed with vitamin C, lemons are considered a superfood that offers a variety of health and cosmetic benefits. This citrus fruit is a staple in every kitchen across the globe. There are several ways to enjoy it, although its sour and bitter taste prevents us from consuming it alone as a fruit. As per Ayurveda, consuming lemon pulp with a pinch of salt can help manage your nausea and promote digestion. This citrus fruit is also a great taste enhancer and acts as an excellent base for non-alcoholic drinks. If you are stressed, massaging lemon essential oil along with a carrier oil on your scalp can help you reduce its symptoms.

What Are The Benefits Of Eating Lemon?

This little yellow citrus fruit is easily available, packed with benefits, and is low in calories. Lemons have a high level of copper, magnesium, vitamin B6, potassium, zinc, antioxidants, and zinc. Let’s find out the benefits of eating lemon daily.

Also Read: Spruce It Up: 5 Easy Hacks To Clean Kitchen With Lemon Juice

Lemons may help improve your cholesterol levels.
Photo Credit: iStock

1. Strengthens Immunity:

As sour as lemons can be, they are great for boosting your immunity. Lemons are packed with high amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants that help strengthen your immune system and fight off germs that cause cold and flu symptoms. One of the best ways to use lemons to their fullest is to squeeze their juice into a glass of hot water and a tablespoon of honey. This tasty concoction would help you aid cold and cough.

2. May Improve Cholesterol:

Yes! Consumption of lemons daily may help lower your cholesterol levels. According to a study conducted by the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, vitamin C has been proven to reduce levels of LDL or “bad” cholesterol. Moreover, lemons are also packed with flavonoids, which have proven to lower the levels of triglycerides and LDL, according to a study published in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine.

3. May Improve Digestion:

This little citrus fruit has soluble fibres that help regulate regular bowel movements and aid digestion. Pectin, the main fibre present in lemons, helps support gut health and accelerate the digestion rate of sugar and starch.

4. Helps in Weight Loss:

A glass of lemon water with honey has been known to do wonders for your body. The fibre present in lemons expands after ingestion, making you feel full and satisfied for a longer time. This will prevent you from snacking unnecessarily, which leads to weight gain.

Lemons aide in weight loss and may prevent kidney stones.

Lemons aid in weight loss and may prevent kidney stones.
Photo Credit: iStock

5. May Prevent Kidney Stones:

If you are suffering from kidney stones or are on the verge of developing some, then lemons can help you escape that trouble. This citrus fruit has high amounts of citric acid present in it that can help prevent kidney stones. Lemonade or lemon juice forms urinary citrate that helps in preventing the crystal development of the stone.

Also Read: Zest Up Your Recipes: 5 Interesting Ways You Can Use Lemon In Cooking

How Much Lemon Per Day Is Safe To Consume?

It is recommended that you consume two to three lemons (almost four to six tablespoons) every day. However, like everything else, these citrus fruits should also be consumed in moderation. A study published in The Pan African Medical Journal found that excessive intake of lemons, which have high levels of citric acid, may erode your enamel, increase sensitivity, and lead to poor oral health over time. Lemons also contain tyramine, which may trigger headaches for people prone to migraines.

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