
Trade of sacrificial animals gains momentum in Sukkur

SUKKUR   –   The trade of sacrificial animals have been gaining momentum in Sukkur, a number of animals ar­rived here from far-flung areas of the Punjab, Balochistan and dif­ferent districts of lower province of Sindh for sale.

At the moment, a great rush witnesses at the cattle market as fall closer to the annual religious festival. The faithful thronged to cattle markets to purchase a suit­able sacrificial animal to perform Eidul Azha, the second Mus­lim ritual that commemorates the supreme sacrifices of great Prophets Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and his son Hazrat Ismail (AS) on June 17th. The businessmen of Punjab and Balochistan prov­inces besides domestic traders have brought their stock in large numbers to the lucrative market of Sukkur to earn maximum.

Meanwhile, the Sukkur Mu­nicipal Corporation (SMC) has imposed a ban on the entry of sacrificial animals into the city, and declared tax free animals from SMC established Maveshi Mandi for Eid-ul-Azha.

As per the ban, the sale and purchase of sacrificial animals have been restricted on the occa­sion of Eid ul Azha. The decision to ban the sale and purchase of sacrificial animals had been tak­en to maintain cleanliness and avoid pollution in the city. The District Administration Sukkur set up a big cattle market in con­nection with Eid-ul-Azha near city by pass for sale and pur­chase of the sacrificial animals.

Sukkur Municipal Corporation (SMC) has arranged all facilities in the biggest cattle market of the Sukkur with modern lines where, besides water, veterinary doctors would be available to check the health of the animals.

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