Government Finance


Opinion | The Welfare State Robs Peter to Pay Peter

The American welfare state is built on the idea of taxing those who are better off to give to those…

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Opinion | Gavin Newsom Objects—to Us

These columns caught Gavin Newsom’s attention this week, we’re delighted to say. The California Governor is upset that we reported…

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Opinion | A Fiscal Commission on the National Debt? Good Luck With That

As Congress begins a new session, the price of government expansion during the pandemic is coming into sharper focus. The…

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Opinion | California’s Wealth Tax Arrives

Progressive ideas that originate in California have a habit of spreading. So it’s worth paying attention to legislation moving in…

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Opinion | Speaker Johnson’s Spending Deal

Can House Republicans govern in 2024—even a little—after the lost year of 2023? One modestly promising sign is the budget…

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Opinion | A Modified, Limited Good Jobs Report

Updated Jan. 5, 2024 7:03 pm ET It’s an election year, so every economic report is going to be filtered…

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Opinion | Javier Milei and Argentina’s Reform Trial

Can a basket-case economy escape from a 25-year socialist decline? That’s the drama now unfolding in Argentina, where new President…

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Opinion | Biden’s $3.1 Billion Train Ticket to Nowhere

It didn’t get a lot of attention, but last month the White House awarded $3.1 billion to the California High-Speed…

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Opinion | Youngkin’s Worthy Tax Bargain

He’d raise Virginia’s sales tax to offset cuts to income-tax rates.

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Opinion | The Employee Retention Tax Credit Is the Biggest Covid Scam

It’s hard to feel sorry for the Internal Revenue Service, but cleaning up for Congress is never fun. The Covid…

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