Economic Growth/Recession


Opinion | A Fiscal Commission on the National Debt? Good Luck With That

As Congress begins a new session, the price of government expansion during the pandemic is coming into sharper focus. The…

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Opinion | Javier Milei and Argentina’s Reform Trial

Can a basket-case economy escape from a 25-year socialist decline? That’s the drama now unfolding in Argentina, where new President…

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Opinion | Can Chile Escape Stagnation?

The country dodged a constitutional coup, but it still needs an economic revival.

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Opinion | Why 2025 Can Be a Good Year for Ukraine

A 1% of GDP increase in NATO defense spending is equivalent to a 24% increase in Russia’s.

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Opinion | Germany Gets Honest About What Net Zero Will Cost

If you had “net zero causing Germany’s government to collapse” on your 2023 bingo card, congratulations—you may end up a…

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Opinion | The British Tories’ Desperation Budget

United Kingdom Chancellor Jeremy Hunt on Wednesday unveiled a new budget, and what do you know. He and Prime Minister…

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