
PTI will annul controversial amendments: Saif

PESHAWAR  –  Advisor to the Chief Minister of Khy­ber Pakhtunkhwa for Information and Public Relations, Barrister Muham­mad Ali Saif, has asserted that Paki­stan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) will annul the controversial and ‘unconstitution­al’ amendments passed by the current regime upon its return to power.

Barrister Saif remarked that these amendments were pushed through in a manner that violated the sanctity of the home and dishonoured the dignity of mothers and sisters, all while com­mitting serious legal violations. “These amendments were passed under the guise of addressing grave crimes such as kidnapping and dishonouring the sanctity of the home. The process of passing these amendments itself screams of betrayal against the consti­tution,” he added.

He further claimed that the current regime implemented these chang­es in secrecy, akin to a coup against the judiciary. “The unconstitutional amendments were passed in the dead of night, attacking the Supreme Court and aiming to circumvent its rulings. The entire procedure reflects a treach­erous blow to the Constitution,” Bar­rister Saif added.

The Advisor emphasised that the hasty amendments were designed to avoid the implementation of the Supreme Court’s decisions. He as­serted that following the passing of these amendments, PTI’s strug­gle would gain momentum. Barris­ter Saif warned those who supported the amendments that they would face public wrath and would not escape retribution in history. “Those who voted in favour of these unconstitu­tional changes will neither win pub­lic support in the upcoming elections nor obtain Form-47,” he cautioned.

He went on to say that PTI’s stead­fast opposition to these amendments would be etched in history, while those who stood against fascism within par­liament would be lauded by the nation. “Conversely, those who betrayed PTI’s founder, Imran Khan, will face condem­nation from the entire nation, and his­tory will never forgive them,” Barrister Saif remarked.

Referring to the previous elections, he highlighted the political downfall of those who defected from PTI, empha­sising the consequences they faced for their disloyalty. He also appealed to the legal fraternity, urging lawyers to unite with PTI in the fight against these un­constitutional amendments and en­sure that they are brought to an end.

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