
Opinion | Maimonides Goes Wrong

Tzedakah means “charity” in Hebrew, but it also has a deeper meaning. It’s derived from tzedek, meaning “justice.” The Talmud points out that “anyone who averts his eyes from the obligation to give charity, it is as if he engages in idol worship.” Nobody wants to be an idol worshiper, particularly at this time of the year.

Maimonides, the 12th-century Jewish philosopher and physician, said one of the highest levels of charity is to give anonymously. That’s a touchy subject. The late Rabbi Michael Hecht of Cleveland Heights, Ohio, disagreed with Maimonides. In his sermons—which I listened to on Sabbath mornings as a member of his synagogue—he said a donor should announce his charitable donation to encourage others to match or exceed it. Broadcast your bling, basically.

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