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Matt Damon thinks Ben Affleck should be a little ‘compassionate’ towards Jennifer Lopez

Matt Damon feels a lot of sympathy for Jennifer Lopez amid Ben Affleck divorce: Source

Matt Damon wants Ben Affleck to be a little bit more compassionate towards Jennifer Lopez amid their divorce.

A source spilled to In Touch, “Matt feels pretty bad for J.Lo. He’s been liaising with her on the roll out of the movie so he’s on calls with her all the time and she has opened up to him about how much she’s hurting.”

The source told the outlet, “He’s been trying to reason with Ben to be a little bit more compassionate to the fact that she’s humiliated right now.”

“He can’t help but feel a lot of sympathy for JLo,” remarked an insider.

The source further said, “He’s trying to play Switzerland and smooth things over on both sides, but Ben is not taking it well at all.”

“To even suggest that he was somehow at fault really rubs him the wrong way. He says if Matt, or anyone, were in his shoes they would have run from that marriage ten times faster,” explained an insider.

The source shared that Ben “feels like no one understands him what he went through” during his marriage to JLo.

“It’s a really tough spot for Matt because of course he wants to support his buddy, but he’s also got to maintain this relationship with J.Lo and when he hears her side of things he just feels awful for her,” added the source.

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