
Islamabad police deployed 2500 cops to protect devotees on Jummat-ul-Wida

ISLAMABAD  –  The Islamabad Capital Police have devised a comprehensive security plan for Jummat-ul-Wida and Youm Ul Quds gath­erings on Friday and deployed 2500 policemen including po­lice commandos, lady force and special unit around mosques and Imambargahs to avert any untoward incident, informed a police spokesman. CPO/ DIG Operations Syed Shehzad­NadeemBhukhari reviewed the security arrangements and fi­nalized the plan, he said. The CPO/ DIG Operations Islam­abad directed all Sub-Divisional Police Officers (SDPOs) and In-charge Police Stations to im­prove the security plan and en­sure checking of every person through metal detectors at Ma­sajid and Imambargahs in their respective jurisdictions. 

Meanwhile, police comman­dos and teams of CTD, personnel of Islamabad Traffic Police and vehicles of police stations have been deployed at various ar­eas. Special teams would patrol around Masajid including Fasial Masjid and worship places while these measures would be moni­tored by SDPOs and In-charge Police Stations of relevant areas. Concerned DPO would monitor the overall security and patrol­ling plans while policemen in plain clothes and uniform along with lady police would perform duties. Moreover security has been tightened during Youm-ul-Quds procession and at en­try and exit points of the city. Citizens are urged to cooperate with police during the checking process and to report any sus­picious activity or information on the emergency helpline “Pu­car-15” or via “ICT-15”app for immediate assistance.

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