
International honour for Punjab police’s brilliant officers

LAHORE  –  The meritorious officers of the Punjab Police have been recognized interna­tionally and the World Police Summit has selected two Pakistani police of­ficers, MD Punjab Safe Cities Author­ity DIG Ahsan Younas and DPO Vehari Muhammad Essa Khan for prestigious international police awards. Accord­ing to the details, the ex­ceptional performance of police officers from 180 countries in various cat­egories was considered for the World Police Summit Award. The award commit­tee shortlisted two Punjab Police Officers as award winners after a strict scru­tiny process. MD Safe Cities Authority Ahsan Younas, DPO Vehari Muham­mad Essa Khan has received invita­tions to attend the award ceremony, scheduled to happen in Dubai and re­ceived their awards. Both the officers will be honored with prestigious in­ternational awards at the World Police Summit in Dubai. IG Punjab Dr Usman Anwar congratulated the officers for making the Punjab Police proud at the global level. IG Punjab Dr. Usman An­war said that both officers are receiv­ing international honors in recognition of their extraordinary services to the Punjab Police. IG Punjab Dr. Usman An­war said that DIG Ahsan Younas played an outstanding role in Punjab Police digitalization, IT reforms, expanding the scope of Safe Cities, while DPO Ve­hari Muhammad Issa Khan played an important role in community policing, eradication of drugs, drug-free educa­tional institutions. Dr. Usman Anwar said that DPO Vehari Muhammad Essa Khan is being awarded for creating a comprehensive system of public awareness against drugs, establishment of a hospital, rehabilitation of drug addicts and job pro­vision for them to restart their normal lives. INL has also selected 07 of­ficers of Punjab Police to participate in the World Police Summit. DIG Waqas Nazir, SSP Riffat Haider Bukhari, SSP Dr. Asad Ijaz Malhi, SP Bushra Nisar, SP Maham Khan, ASP Sundus Ishaq, ASP Syeda Shaherbano will participate in the World Police Summit. SDPO Gulberg ASP Syeda Shaherbano will give a de­tailed presentation on Police Tahaffuz Marakaz, measures for the welfare of transgenders and police public service projects at the World Police Summit. IG Punjab said that the selection of Pun­jab police officers for the World Police Summit Award is a source of pride for the Pakistan Police Service.

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