
DG stresses civil-defense awareness, culture training to manage natural calamities

ISLAMABAD   –   Di­rector General of Civ­il Defense Niaz Muham­mad Khan Friday stressed media for creating more awareness among the peo­ple about civil defense and to prepare volunteers and students who can help in case of any natural calam­ities. 

In an exclusive inter­view with PTV news chan­nel, on eve of world De­fense day highlight the achievements of national disaster-prevention ser­vices and to raises aware­ness about importance of self-defense. 

Civil defense training is a must for every man and woman, he said, adding, in order to save their own lives and the lives of others. 

Civil defense is the best for the service of the peo­ple, he said, adding, our volunteer training pro­grams are free of cost where interested citizens specially youth can active­ly participate. 

He demanded of the provincial and center gov­ernment for equipping the volunteers with the need­ed facilities so they could perform their tasks more efficiently. 

Civil defense staff and volunteers can took part in firefighting and first aid programs, he mentioned.

He said that the train­ing of the civil defense was the need of the hour and it should be taken as com­mon responsibility by all the citizens to make the country strong and stable.

The day also focuses on making volunteers more active participants in the evacuation, response and rescue efforts result­ing from any disaster, he added.

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