
Bushra Bibi was poisoned during Ramazan, says spokesperson

Mashal Yousafzai, spokesperson for Bushra Bibi, claimed that the former first lady’s food was poisoned during Ramazan.

Talking to a private TV channel on Thursday, Yousafzai stated that it was learnt that the food of Bushra Bibi, wife of PTI founder, was poisoned during the last week of Ramazan. Two to three drops of toilet cleaner were mixed into Bushra Bibi‘s Iftar meal, she added.

“Since consuming the food, Bushra Bibi‘s health has deteriorated and continues to worsen,” she added.

Yousafzai said that before her arrest, the former first lady did not have any health issues such as high blood pressure or diabetes. Since her arrest, her health has deteriorated, indicating that something definitely happened, she added.

Yousafzai, who is also the adviser to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa chief minister, said that Bushra Bibi‘s medical tests were not conducted despite the court had been directing the authorities for three weeks. She questioned who was hindering the medical tests.

Yousafzai mentioned that the court had ordered an endoscopy and blood tests. The endoscopy revealed that Bushra Bibi had gastric ulcers and inflammation. Despite the court’s orders, Bushra Bibi was not allowed to undergo blood tests. Blood tests would reveal whether there was poison present or not, she added.

She said Bushra Bibi experienced pain in chest and left arm two days ago. The jail doctor performed an ECG, which showed abnormalities.

Yousafzai stated that Bushra Bibi was targeted because she is the wife of the PTI founder.

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