
Trees to be planted in city to control environmental pollution, says Mayor

KARACHI  –  Mayor Barrister Murtaza Wahab on Tuesday said that climate change was a big challenge for the world includ­ing Pakistan, trees would be planted in the city to control environmental pollution. He said this while address­ing the inauguration ceremony of the Eco Street project launched by PSO at the Pakistan State Oil head office in Clifton. He further said that PSO ECO Street, sustainable plastic road initiative not only beautified our city but also demonstrated environmen­tal responsibility and community en­gagement. “We applaud PSO’s com­mitment to sustainability, fostering a greener urban landscape, and inspir­ing other corporate entities to invest in our community’s development, we will make this city developed togeth­er,” he said.

On this occasion, PPP Parliamen­tary leader in the city council Najmi Alam, Deputy Parliamentary leader Dil Muhammad, Special Representa­tive of Mayor Karachi for Political Af­fairs Karamullah Waqasi, Managing Director/CEO, PSO Syed Muhammad Taha and others were also present.

The Mayor said that in parallel with the road construction, PSO ECO STREET had committed to a com­prehensive beautification of the sur­rounding area. The project included the reconstruction and renovation of road median, walkways, transform­ing them into welcoming spaces for the pedestrians.

These areas now boast newly-in­stalled planters, graced with an array of indigenous trees and plants fur­ther enriching the local biodiversity.

He said that KMC was working on afforestation and improvement of parks in all districts of the city and solid waste management system was also being developed in the city on modern lines, along with citizens as well as corporate bodies and associa­tions located in industrial zones had also contributed in this regard and as a result a positive and pleasant change can be seen within the city.

MD & CEO, PSO, Syed Muhammad Taha said that PSO ECO STREET, a sustainable plastic road, is part of PSO’s ongoing efforts to reduce plas­tic waste and promote eco-friendly infrastructure.

He said that this significant ini­tiative had turned approximately 49,428 square feet of traditional road into a symbol of green living, utilizing 5,000 kg of recycled plastic waste, primarily from lubricant bottles and cans collected from PSO’s Lubricant Manufacturing Terminal (LMT) loca­tion in Karachi. He said that the proj­ect’s core objective was two-fold: to significantly reduce the plastic foot­print that burdens our planet and to demonstrate the viability and ben­efits of sustainable infrastructure.

By incorporating plastic waste into road construction, PSO ECO STREET was not only repurposing waste but also enhancing the durability of the road, setting a new standard for en­vironmentally responsible construc­tion, he added.

Syed Muhammad Taha, MD & CEO of PSO, embodied the ethos of giv­ing back to society. He emphasised the importance of caring for our sur­roundings akin to responsible ten­ants, stating, “This initiative exem­plifies PSO’s unwavering dedication to sustainability and environmental conservation. We are steadfast in our commitment to pioneering innova­tive solutions to tackle environmen­tal challenges while simultaneously creating value for our communities.”

The culmination of these efforts in a vibrant and green transformation of the road aligns seamlessly with PSO’s overarching green initiatives. This venture not only showcases the innovative solutions that reduce plastic and carbon footprints but also fosters an eco-friendly and sustain­able infrastructure that serves as a model for future developments.

The company extends its gratitude to all stakeholders, including local authorities, community members, and project partners, for their in­valuable support and collaboration

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