
Pak army deals major blow to BLA terrorists in Marg bar Sarmachar action

ISLAMABAD  –  Pakistani forces have dealt a significant blow to the ruthless terrorists of Balochistan Liberation Front (BLA) during its military strikes on 18th January inside Iran.  Highly placed sources said that one of the most wanted terrorists was killed in the operation Mar Gbar Sarmachar by the Pakistan on January 29.” Over the weekend, Paki­stan’s civil and military leadership took proac­tive steps to de-escalate the situation with Iran. Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian also en­gaged in talks with his Pakistani counterpart, Jalil Abbas Jilani, to de­fuse the escalating ten­sions. This move towards resuming diplomatic rela­tions comes in the after­math of recent tit-for-tat missile attacks between Iran and Pakistan. The at­tacks, targeting regions around their mutual bor­der and directed at what both sides termed terror­ist groups, led to a swift deterioration in diplo­matic ties. Ambassadors were recalled, official ties severed, and the rheto­ric between the nations intensified. The joint an­nouncement to reinstate Ambassadors and the up­coming visit by Iran’s for­eign minister signal a col­lective effort to rebuild strained ties. These de­velopments aim to bring stability after the recent hostilities, which not only impacted bilateral rela­tions but also raised glob­al concerns.

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