
October – A month of protests & constitutional package !

ISLAMABAD   –  The political tension between the government and the opposition party [Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf] in these days touching peaks on all the fronts. The opposition party , despite all the blockades at the roads leading to federal capital, registering fierce pro­tests just around a week before Shanghai Cooperation Organi­sation summit.

Though Interior Minis­ter Mohsin Naqvi has clearly warned the PTI leadership head­ed by Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur not to disrupt law-and-order situation ahead of the Shanghai Cooperation Organiza­tion (SCO) summit, yet the pro­testors led by CM KPK Ali Amin Gandapur are seemingly turning a deaf ear on it.

In parallel, The ruling clique has not totally ignored a signifi­cant legislative business regard­ing ‘Constitutional Package’ that will expectedly land in the par­liament in the next week.

The political and constitution­al gurus shared that the ruling party (PML-N) has been advised by the main coalition partner to initiate legislative process after ensuring numerical strength – “Magic number” – and after the SCO Summit. The final decision on this matter , as per the views of political gurus, expected af­ter dealing with current politi­cal unrest in the form of political protests by the PTI.

In a significant development, the apex court in its ruling re­stored lawmakers’ right to vote against party directives, revers­ing a 2022 decision that limited parliamentarians to follow the party lines. As, the government considering it an opportunity to ensure 2/3 majority in both the houses (National Assembly and Senate) will try to take mem­bers other than treasury bench­es in their fold. It is also being assumed by some of political an­alysts that there might not be much need of 13 votes (08 Na­tional National and 05 Senate) of Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Fazal. Whereas, the government side has not closed door leading to Maulana’ residents, which re­mained centre of attention in the first failed attempt to pass 26th constitutional amendment.

Background discussions with ruling party members indicated that the government side once again hold series of meetings with JUI-F Chief and some other party members to ensure its nu­merical strength (2/3 majority) before moving the draft in the parliament.

The vote of defecting members can serve the purpose, if the rul­ing parties got their support for constitutional package.

As, the Supreme Court accept­ing review petition of Supreme Court Bar Association ruled that defecting parliamentarians should indeed be counted.

The government should also keep in mind that Barister Sal­man Akram Raja in his recent statement warned that the pro­test against the constitution­al amendments would not end anywhere. So, the government has to deal with all the fronts in the month of October if it suc­cessfully proceed constitution­al package comprising a dozen clauses related to judiciary.

The ruling parties’ parliamen­tarians, in the last month, could not able to secure required nu­merical strength yet this second round to approve the controver­sial constitutional package are seemingly bright comparatively.

According to the strength, the government has to ensure the magic figures [224 and 64] re­spectively in the National As­sembly and the Senate for 26th constitutional package.

The government has also start­ed planning to summon Nation­al Assembly and Senate sessions separately in the next week to reinitiate legislation process on a ‘constitutional package’.

President Asif Ali Zardari, ac­cording to the plan, will formal­ly move the summary for call­ing the sessions to discuss host of current political matters and constitutional package in the next week.

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