
2 PTI leaders misused $2m party donations against Pak institutions

ISLAMABAD  –  Two leaders of the Pakistan Teh­reek-e-Insaf (PTI) in the United States have allegedly misused party dona­tions worth $2 million to enhance their riches and carry out propaganda against Pakistan and its institutions. 

A media report published in America Daily Post quoted an Islamabad-based news website saying that PTI USA head and Imran Khan’s advisor Sajjad Burki received $1.8 million in donations but only sent $30,000 back home to Paki­stan. 

As per the Foreign Agents Reg­istration Act (FARA) Exhibit, Paki­stani-American supporters of PTI hired lobbying firms for a duration of 45 days from January 16 to March 1, 2024 par­ticularly to influence general elections 2024 in Pakistan and to run a cam­paign against Pakistan’s armed forces. 

The media report claimed that Bur­ki founded the PTI company on 7-11-2018, shortly after Imran Khan became prime minister. 

The document also mentions a man­ager, Umer Khan with address 7207 Regency Square Boulevard, Ste 247, Houston, TX 77036. The file number of the Secretary of State is 803064729. 

Attributing to two PTI insiders in USA and Pakistan, the report claimed that over the last two years, Sajjad Bur­ki and Atif Khan received donations from three leading US businessmen but none of those donations have been de­clared or sent to Pakistan. 

It also quoted “several sources” in­side PTI saying that both the leaders received money from three rich Pa­kistani Americans in the name of Im­ran Khan but they have not undertak­en any audit with no one knowing as what happened to over $1.8 million re­ceived from the three businessmen as well as from over a dozen professional doctors, engineers and IT experts who support PTI. 

Burki formed Pakistan Tehreek-e-In­saf USA LIC and used the limited liabil­ity company to obtain donations for his party, according to multiple pieces of evidence and statements of PTI insid­ers. 

The donations were taken on sever­al websites made by PTI on which no audit has yet taken place. Most of the donations collected in the USA have reached their personal coffers, a PTI central leader said who is now also a Member of the National Assembly. 

The report said that only a tiny por­tion was sent to Pakistan to PTI’s ac­count with no knowledge of the rest of the money. The party workers remain wary of questioning Sajjad Burki be­cause he is close to Aleema Khan and Imran Khan, said the PTI insider. 

Since the fall of Imran Khan’s govern­ment, both the leaders were alleged­ly indulged in anti-Pakistan activities. They post videos on social media with US senators, making false allegations against Pakistani institutions. Both are helped by the likes of disgraced Sheh­baz Gill, former Imran Khan advisor, and guitarist Salman Ahmed. 

Atif Khan describes himself as “for­mer Member of Prime Minister Task Force/Focal Person Ministry of Over­seas Pakistanis during PTI govern­ment” and now a member of PTI Core Committee, appointed by Imran Khan from jail. Burki describes himself as “Focal person for USA to Imran Khan, and Past President PTI USA”. 

The report claimed that as per PTI insiders, several forces including Burki do not want Imran Khan to come out of prison since their businesses will suf­fer consequently. 

Burki, who is also a part of Namal University was considered to be Imran Khan’s close confidante but his associ­ations with several US politicians with links to India draws suspicions over his role in leading PTI USA. 

Even Atif Khan’s tweets reveal how he is running a systematic campaign against Pakistan’s armed forces with no efforts to hide his inclinations. 

On 4th March, Atif tweeted a video purposely made to instigate the people of Pakistan to conduct violence against their own institutions. 

The report also mentioned that Pa­kistani-American PTI supporter Fayaz Qureshi recently hired a lobbying firm “LGS LLC” headed by Stephen Payne. The firm was paid $50,000 against its services related to the aimed target­ing of Pakistani institutions. The an­nouncement of the agreement was made on US government Dept of Jus­tice’s official website. 

In 2022, PTI USA portrayed as the New York-based party of US citizens of Pakistani origin hired another consult­ant, Fenton/Arlook. The firm was hired for a six-month period at $25,000 per month to manage PTI USA’s public and media relations. 

Such links of these dubious actors with the American intelligence com­munity have raised eyebrows in Islam­abad over the nature of PTI’s lobbying efforts, particularly those taking place overseas. More recently, PTI leaders are now disassociating with Adil Raja and Haider Mehdi after their links with foreign intelligence services came to light. 

PTI has significant penetration in the Pakistani expat community of North Americans. They also provide funding for lobbying efforts but the community without knowing their money was be­ing used for personal projection. 

The PTI insiders said this approach is damaging for Pakistan and the PTI both. 

The effect of this external lobbying is evident into a stringent scrutiny of Pa­kistan’s electoral process through unu­sually harsh statements by many coun­tries (as compared to Bangladesh and Egypt) along with one-sided debate in many media spaces, thus putting legit­imacy of Pakistan’s political dispensa­tion into question. 

It is now clear that those PTI affiliat­ed scammers who worked internation­ally against the interests of Pakistan were primarily motivated by financial compensation in terms of stolen dona­tions, rather than any ideological con­siderations.”

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